Optimizing your supply network is crucial in this competitive era. Consumer expectations are consistently driven high due to price, availability, options, and delivery speed. All these can be enhanced with transformation process.
Supply network transformation process is mainly about aligning your business with comprehensive goals for maximum efficiency. You need to approach it step by step within the organization.
- Clearly define your supply network’s primary strategic goal
- Allow the strategic goals to shape supply network goals
- Well-detailed planning processes need to be created for better control, transparency, and influence
Organize your replacement operations
Supply chain transformation prompt organizational changes like use of centralized or decentralized approach to replace planning and purchasing. Centralized option is good for those wishing to bring uniformity to their extensive range of multinational or national operations.
Unites loads of skills and knowledge creating a good sharing ambiance. It makes it simple to cover events like illness, leaves or employees changing jobs. Decentralized approach is good for franchise businesses.
Lead with your creativity
One of the issues you experience as you move ahead is to obtain support from colleagues.
- To overcome this, find project leader capable to straddle the technical and business sides of project.
- Senior management support is also necessary for successful transformation.
- Win board level support through displaying how project will enhance profitability and even demonstrating that risks will be low and manageable.
- Moreover, find a champion, who is a good listener. He takes care of the people who will get directly affected by changes.
- When you add automation, make sure that you don’t send a message amongst the workforce of ‘mistrust.
- Look for possible quick wins as early as you can because they help to motivate team and immensely support change management.
How to select supply network planning system?
There are excellent supply network software designed to handle, manage and analyse huge quantities of data and processes. Make sure that your current software is capable to deal with transformation process. Or you can consider to replace it with current more agile and potent solution to support your planning processes much better. If you are considering a 3rd party system then checks for providers who have helped businesses just like yours. Make sure the system is flexible and scalable.
Transformed supply chains have been delivering better visibility of inventory sales and logistic network. Moreover, integration of processes, operations, and technology to obtain business goal is great. Upgrading is essential after a decade because technology is progressing and you don’t desire to be left behind.