In an era where everybody is so impatient and wants to achieve everything overnight with minimum effort, it is very tempting to follow suit. For instance, when it comes to social media marketing, people want to achieve thousands of likes, comments, followers, and views among other parameters within a few days of opening an account. Surprising enough, they are actually doing it, albeit in a very risky manner that is completely unsustainable. Buying social media services is the new trend that everybody is falling over their heels to get a taste. You can buy Instagram followers any time you want, but why would you do that when there is a better way of getting more real followers on Instagram?
What I mean here is that you should go the old-fashion way to increase the number of your followers organically and avoid the risks associated with buying followers on Instagram. Below are some of the strategies you need to use to get more followers without spending even a penny while staying away from risk.
Showcase your Instagram everywhere
One of the best ways to get more followers on your Instagram account is by showcasing it. You need to promote your account so that people can actually find it on social media and interact with your content. You can do this by listing your Instagram account together with your website and other social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. If you have a website, you should add buttons for various social media networks that you control. People can click on these buttons and follow you on Instagram and other networks.
You should also promote your Instagram account on other networks like Facebook. Here, you let your followers on Facebook know that you also have an Instagram account where they can find you and other contents you produce.
Post content followers want
To become a successful influencer on Instagram highly relies on being able to understand your followers. When you understand your followers, you will be able to generate content that they want. This is the only way you maintain your popularity and gain even more followers organically. When you completely understand your followers, you will be able to generate content that resonates with them. So how do you know what your followers want? The surest way to know what your followers want is by testing them using your own content. Post some content and observe the reaction that comes from your followers. If you do this many times enough, you will realize that some contents are loved more than others. Thus, you should focus more on the kind of contents that your followers love more and minimize the ones that only receive minimum liking.
Catch the attention of your followers
This can be easier said than done. With so many influencers across multiple social media networks trying to get the attention of the same followers, it can be very hard to capture attention. That is why you need to remain relevant at all times and use ways that keep your followers glued to your content longer. Research indicates that consumers prefer content that has visuals coming first before text. Statistically, 68% of consumers preferred content that contained photos first followed by 50% of consumers preferring content that contain videos first. Only 30% of consumers preferred text to come first.