A properly installed foundation drainage system is critical to maintaining the structural integrity of a home. Foundation drainage problems can lead to stranded water in the yard, along with foundation cracks, mold creation, and causing other serious damage to the property. The damage caused by poor drainage is not covered under insurance but is easily preventable. Installing a foundation drainage pipe is time-consuming, and hazardous, demanding the need for a professional foundation repair specialist. Therefore, investing in a drain pipe installation Plano TX service provider is a good idea.
The type of solution
Before repairing, replacing, or installing a foundation drainage system, the following questions must be considered.
- What is the drainage issue one is facing?
- What is the soil type in and around the property?
- Can there be an exterior drainage system be installed?
- What are the other hazardous pipes and lines (gas lines, sewage, and power lines) are under the soil?
When water remains stranded due to foundation drainage issues, the landscaping on the property gets damaged. There is also a possibility of water seeping into the basement and creating molds and other hazardous elements. Installing a French drain is considered ideal for addressing surface water issues. A French drain consists of perforated plastic pipe, gravel, and mesh sock helping to eliminate the leaky water seeping into unwanted areas.
Abiding by the regulations
Every county, city, and state have varying laws and regulations concerning foundation drainage installation, repair, and replacement. It is important to notify the local municipal body regarding the type of drainage system a homeowner desires to install, along with the location of the installation. One has to read carefully the regulations and find out what is legal and what is not allowed. The foundation drainage installation might impact the neighboring properties. Therefore, it must be installed in accordance with the law. While hiring a foundation repair expert for drain pipe installation planotx offers experts who are aware of the state laws and policies of installing foundation drainage pipes.
Foundation drainage installation requirements
Before understanding the materials required for foundation drainage system installation, the following elements must be considered.
- The desired stone placement around foundation drainage
- The stone types that can be used
- Where to get the stones from?
- The kind of pipes and tiles to be used
The following materials are required while installing the foundation drainage system.
- A perforated pipe, which is a simple plastic pipe helps to acquire and redirect water in the soil.
- A proper backfill material can be used in varying scenarios. For instance, when an expert installs a basic French drain, washed gravel is required to cover the pipe and fill in the trench.
- Geotextile cover is used in the soil as a component of a foundation drainage system because of its potential to filter soil and prevent clogging the pipe with dirt.
- Finally, some add-ons like hammer, stakes, tamper, tape measure, rake, string, line level, etc., are required for excavating.
Tasks related to foundation drainage installation, repair, and replacement are challenging and time-consuming. It can be catered professionally only by a foundation drainage system expert. When considering hiring an expert in drain pipe installation plano tx never disappoints with the available options.